President’s Message: Welcome Back to School!

Welcome to the new school year!  As we get ready for another academic year there are still many challenges ahead.  I know that we are all still experiencing a variety of emotions as we return in-person this week for trainings and setting up spaces for our students to return to next week.  Please know that we are listening and communicating your concerns to the administration in FCPS.  We must ensure that employees feel safe and that their concerns are being heard.  If you see issues at your worksite or have member concerns – fill out this Google form:

It is encouraging that the science is on our side regarding vaccination and low case numbers in Fairfax County.  Your safety and that of your students remains our top priority!  We know that you are working to protect yourselves, your students, and your loved ones.  We are working to ensure that mitigation strategies are in place in all work environments.  Outdoor spaces are being planned and social distancing will be used wherever possible.  Sanitizing and ventilation in our buildings will be maintained.  Tracing and testing will continue with the Fairfax County health department and collaboration through safety teams contracted outside of FCPS.  Universal masking remains as one significant step in the right direction and vaccination of staff is believed to be near 90%. 

The NEA and VEA have voiced support for mandatory vaccination of school employees across the nation and our Commonwealth.  The FEA has supported vaccination for all those who are eligible, and we look forward to young students being eligible in the coming weeks. We believe that vaccination refusal for medical, religious, or personal reason is acceptable. Weekly testing would be required for all who remain unvaccinated.  We support weekly testing for all employees who cannot get vaccinated.  

The main goal of all of this is to protect the health and safety of all students and staff, and our community in general. 

As a union we stand for the rights of employees in their workplace and everything that affects their careers.  Continue to encourage those who are not already members of your union to join now – we are stronger together!  Let people know they can join your union here:

You may always contact me at

~ Kimberly Adams, FEA President


Member of the Week: Shannon Dowdy


Member of the Week: Molly Cronin