Join FEA!
We’re happy to see that you’re interested in joining the Fairfax Education Association!
Joining FEA is important and comes with a variety of benefits!
To apply for membership, just fill out the form at the bottom of this page.
Need a few good reasons to join? Keep reading!
1. Be part of something bigger than yourself!
FEA represents members’ views at every opportunity. We attend and speak at school board meetings, advocate for better funding from the Board of Supervisors, lobby the legislature, and meet with FCPS administration to guide changes in our schools. As a member, you have a direct pipeline to join in (or lead!) those conversations to make your views heard.
2. A new chance to be a leader.
FEA is always looking for members to participate! Whether you want to be a building representative, lobby the legislature, or build organizational strength, members have the ability to be true leaders in their profession.
3. We advocate at your school or worksite.
You spend all day working to make sure that students have the best possible education. Isn’t it time you had someone to advocate for you the way you stand up for your students? If you have an issue on the job, FEA will be there for you to offer guidance, advice, and even legal representation under certain circumstances. FEA also trains members in advocacy skills so that you have the tools needed to create positive change in both your work location and your profession overall. You fight hard for the kids, and you deserve someone to fight just as hard for you.
4. Your dues work for you with money-saving benefits!
Yes, FEA charges dues. Your dues keep the lights on, hire the professional staff that work on your behalf, and also pay for your automatic membership in the Virginia Education Association (VEA) and the National Education Association (NEA).
An extensive member benefits and discounts program leverages the buying power of millions of NEA members that can offset your dues. Before you decide you can’t afford it, take a look at the money that being a member will save you at neamb.com.
Also see a guide to more NEA, VEA and FEA benefits here! Programs & Services Your NEA Membership Means More
2024-25 Membership Application
Please fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch! All fields are required except those marked optional.